• Karen Rós
    Karen Rós
  • Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
    Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
    Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Freyja and Elin
    Freyja and Elin
  • Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Birthday present
    Birthday present
  • Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Hátign and Drift
    Hátign and Drift
  • Wintertime
  • Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
    Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Breeders of the year 2012
    Breeders of the year 2012
  • Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
    Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Berglind and Brynja
    Berglind and Brynja
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Sólrún
  • Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
    Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
  • Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Katla og Bergur
    Katla og Bergur
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Beauty in the mist
    Beauty in the mist
  • Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
    Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
  • The queen :) Katla
    The queen :) Katla
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Mothercare
  • Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
    Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
  • Julio Borba
    Julio Borba
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Jóhannes Stefánsson
    Jóhannes Stefánsson
  • Elin og Frami 2016
    Elin og Frami 2016
  • Kira and Brynja
    Kira and Brynja
  • Álfadís
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Friends
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
    Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
  • Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
    Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
  • Olil and Heilladís
    Olil and Heilladís
  • Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Kira and Kraflar
    Kira and Kraflar
  • Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Jón Bergsson
    Jón Bergsson
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
    Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
    Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Brynja and Berglind
    Brynja and Berglind
  • Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
    Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
  • Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
    Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
    Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Álfasteinn and Hetta
    Álfasteinn and Hetta
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
    Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Ketilsstaðir
Dec 18

Álfaklettur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum, dam is Álfadís frá Selfossi and sire is Stáli frá Kjarri, a beauti and very talented.

{gallery}Alfaklettur november 2018{/gallery}

Nov 18

This beautiful mare is one of our younger breeding mares, her name is Snekkja frá Ketilsstöðum. She was born in 2009, dam is the Honorary Prize mare Ljónslöpp frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Alvar frá Syðri-Gegnishólum. Alvar died accidentally only 2 years old, he was the son of Álfadís frá Selfossi and Dalvar frá Ausholtshjáleiga.This autumn we have started to tame her oldest offspring, a 3 years old mare sired by Trymbill frá Stóra-Ási.
Younger offsprings of Snekkja is a two year old mare sired by Frami frá Ketilsstaðir, a yearling sired by Konsert frá Hofi and this summer she gave birth to a colt sired by Aðall frá Nyjabæ.
5 years old, Snekkja was the fourth best 5 years old mare at LM 2014 at Gaddstaðaflatir, the total score was 8.41 and 8.5 for most of the gates in ridden abilities and in her highest judgment she received 8.42 as a total score included 9.0 for tölt . Total score in Blup evaluation is 123.

{gallery}Snekkja fra Ketilsstodum 2018{/gallery}

Nov 18

We are starting the 3 year olds these days.



Oct 18

Saturday night we won two prices for breeding, the Breeder of the Year 2018 and the Breeders of Competition horses 2018. 
We have felt like numb since.
The pictures I publish were taken the other day for another occasion but I want to use them since I think they express how we really feel. 
Thank you very much for all your congratulations, we are fortunate to be able work with our passion.
{gallery}Winners breeding and competition horse breeders 2018{/gallery}

Oct 18

Here are some pictures of horses we have bred, that helped us to be nominated for the Competition horse breeder of the year 2018. Thank you to you all.
{gallery}Competition breeder of the year nomination 2018{/gallery}

Oct 18

Elin is The Rider of the Year in our riding club Sleipnir, here are some pictures from her performances in 2018.
{gallery}Elin knapi arsins Sleipnir 2018{/gallery}

Oct 18

Fifteen horses from our breed were breeding evaluated this year. Thirteen of them received an average score over 8,0 and eight of them qualified for Landsmót which we consider as great results.
Fourteen of these horses were presented in Iceland and one, Aradís fá Ketilsstöðum who we sold as a young horse, was shown in Denmark.
Djörfung receives honorary price for offsprings only fourteen years of age, the award is based on first five of her offsprings.

{gallery}Kynbotasynd hross 2018{/gallery}


Oct 18

Our breed Ketilsstaðir/Syðri-Gegnishólar is once again nominated as Breeders of the year and Competition horse Breeders of The Year. Thank you to riders and owners that took part in it.
We will publish more about this in the coming days.
{gallery}Breeder nominations 2018{/gallery}

Oct 18

This year, Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum receives 1st. Price of Honour for offsprings, with a total BLUB score of 123. Dam is Framkvæmd frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Álfasteinn frá Selfossi. Djörfung was breeding evaluated 4 years old and was in fourth place in the group of 4 year old mares at Landsmót in Hella 2008. The total score was 8,23 but for talent she received 8.68, including 9.5 for pace and spirit and 8,5 fyrir tölt,slow tölt and expression.

Read more: Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum

Oct 18

It is getting colder here in Iceland, the summer is over and soon the fall will step down for winter. I found this nice picture of Álfarinn frá Syðri-Gegnishólum in the herd. Very nice to watch pictures from summertime as it is getting closer to wintertime.
{gallery}Alfarinn summer 2018{/gallery}

Sep 18

Two great horses from our breed, Sprengja 12 years old, she has been competing successfully in young adults class in Germany for a couple of years. Stefnir 7 years old in his first year of light competitions in Swiss.
{gallery}Sprengja og Stefnir 2018{/gallery}

Sep 18

Two great mares from the Ketilsstaðir breed, Framkvæmd the black one 27 years old with Honorary price for offsprings, she gave birth to 16 foals.
Katla the bay is on this picture pregnant with her first offspring, a red dun stallion with a star, born 1st of August 2018, there is a picture of him on our website from that date.
On this picture the two queens are getting some well earned goodies from Bergur. They are like all horses from Ketilsstöðum related, theire foremother is Fála frá Ketilsstöðum born 1925

{gallery}Framkvaemd og Katla{/gallery}

Sep 18

We took some pictures of our yearlings in early September of our yearlings who grow up in and by the mountains at Ketilsstaðir.

{gallery}Ketilsstadir fall 2018{/gallery}

Sep 18

Take a look at this amazing son of Frami frá Ketilsstöðum, Dam is Binný frá Björgum 

{gallery}Framis son 2018{/gallery}

Sep 18

We had a look at our young stallions the other day, 2 and 3 years old, seems like our breed is improving mane and tail. 

{gallery}Youngsters at Ketilsstadir 2018{/gallery}

Sep 18

It's s pleasure to publish some pictures of this horse, Álfarinn frá Syðri-Gegnishólum. We weren't lucky in the competitions this year, all the finales went to the wrong direction. The aim was to score over 7,00 in the 5 gate preliminaries but we dídn't reach that goal. We got 6,98 and A finales at the Reykjavík Championship and 7,0 and the A finales at the South Championship. Great scores as 8,5 for walk and 3 x 8,0 for pace, I lost them all because he stepped on himself in the pace. Anyhow I adore this horse and I'm looking forward to keep on training him.

 {gallery}Alfarinn Sudurlandsmot 2018{/gallery}

Aug 18

Some pictures from Suðurlandsmót, were Brynja Amble Gísladóttir participated riding Goði frá Ketilsstöðum. They got fifth place in Tölt T2 and 10th place in 4 gate V1. They are improving nicely, just need a little more trust on the long rain and a bit more tempo in trot and canter, which was really nice. Fast tempo was great and they received 7,5 from all judges in the finale.

 {gallery}Brynja og Godi 2018{/gallery}

Aug 18

Typical Icelandic weather, these two pictures were taken in the 5 gate finales last Sunday. Changed from beautiful and very nice summer weather between the pace strides.

{gallery}Hugrokk and her first 5 gait competition{/gallery}

Aug 18

We took part in the Suðurlandsmót 2018, the tournament was short with a steep program. The weather was good until the last two finals. Regrettably there was some mismatch in the judicatory, it would be great if together we could find a solution for that because each and every score bears a important message to the rider. 
Mostly we did well and all our horses got into finals except for one. Thank you Geysir club for a good tournament.

{gallery}Sudurlandsmot 2018{/gallery}

Aug 18

Dugur frá Ketilsstöðum was breeding evaluated this week, total score was 8,12. He received 8,00 for confirmation and 8,20 for ridden abilities including 8,5 for tölt, expression and spirit. Dugur is 4 years old, dam is Djörfung and sire is Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum. He is his mothers fifth offspring to be breeding evaluated, and the third one the get first price only four years old. We have high expectations for this guy in the future. For information, his grand mothers both have 1st price of honour for off springs, Framkvæmd and Ljónslöpp frá Ketilsstöðum and Álfadís frá Selfossi is two times his great grand mother.

{gallery}Dugur fra Ketilsstodum 2018{/gallery}

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Hilbar Katla saddle

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