• Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
    Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
  • Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
    Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Olil and Heilladís
    Olil and Heilladís
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Kira and Brynja
    Kira and Brynja
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
    Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
    Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Elin og Frami 2016
    Elin og Frami 2016
  • Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
    Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Katla og Bergur
    Katla og Bergur
  • Brynja and Berglind
    Brynja and Berglind
  • Mothercare
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Jón Bergsson
    Jón Bergsson
  • Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Beauty in the mist
    Beauty in the mist
  • Friends
  • Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Berglind and Brynja
    Berglind and Brynja
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
    Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
  • Jóhannes Stefánsson
    Jóhannes Stefánsson
  • Álfasteinn and Hetta
    Álfasteinn and Hetta
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
    Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
  • Kira and Kraflar
    Kira and Kraflar
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
    Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
  • Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
    Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • The queen :) Katla
    The queen :) Katla
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
  • Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
    Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
  • Wintertime
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Julio Borba
    Julio Borba
  • Sólrún
  • Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Birthday present
    Birthday present
  • Breeders of the year 2012
    Breeders of the year 2012
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
    Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
    Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
  • Álfadís
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
    Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
    Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Hátign and Drift
    Hátign and Drift
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Karen Rós
    Karen Rós
  • Freyja and Elin
    Freyja and Elin
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
    Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
Feb 20
We are very pleased with the welcome and criticism that we have received for our demonstration The Clinic A-Z, modern riding art and our Gala Show. Both sold out 24 hours before, everything went great and we managed to present our goal. We will write about the Gala Show soon, still waiting for pictures.
In our opinion, this is something we need to do more of, meet in order to enjoy our wonderful breed, The Icelandic Horse. Put focus on and appreciate more than action and speed. The Icelandic horse has so much, much more than five gaits. Everything from beeing a tough Viking, who comes calmly walking the day after a crazy storm like nothing has happened. His powerfull wide gates with high movements, making him a great competition and show horse. His ability to move smoothly and comfortably taking care of a child or a beginner. Beeing able to be a great riding and free time horse and.... he can also dance like a ballerina in all kinds of exercises. We feel the need to increase the training and the glory of the slow gates and that itself will participate in lifting our horse to a higher level.
With this demonstration, we wanted to share with you what we have been working on and dedicated to riding for the past 15 years. Júlio Borba our teacher has been on horseback since he remembers and his father and uncle along with Louis Valenca were his mentors and Masters. Júlio Borba was a rider of the Royal Portuguese riding school for 12 years and showed all the exercises of the school riding the famous Portuguese Lusitanó breed. After leaving the Portugese riding school, he has worked continuously as a riding teacer worldwide and is believed to have had a major impact on the training of the Icelandic horse.
We wanted to show how much training matters, enjoy the little progress, and try to convey that the horse's happiness consists in, among other things, understanding and being able to do his work, the more he understands the more confident and happy he becomes. We want to try to increase the understanding of how muck our horse can improve by training and always using the same language, many small things make one big difference. Making people enjoy even more their own riding horse.
The goal was that it would be a great day for everyone, the audience, the staff, the riders, and everyone who took part in this show. Great emphasis was placed on heating inside the interconnected exhibition area, which is a real base in modern indoor riding.
Plenty to drink and eat for EVERYONE and a place to rest and chat when opportunities came. Thanks to all the great people who sponsored this show with financial donations and work, without you, this would not have come true. It was a great collaboration, with an incredible number of people working hard, almost day and night to put things in the way we wanted them to be.
We feel grateful to get to know and work with such wonderful and dedicated people. Everything from riding the show to cleaning and performing all other work. Thanks to all of you, there were geniuses in every job.
These writings accompany photos from the demonstration, we are still waiting for the pictures from the Gala Show to be ready for publication .
Fyrir hönd framkvæmdaraðila Olil Amble
Pictures: Bjarney Anna Þórisdóttir.
 {gallery}From the Clinic{/gallery}

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Hilbar Katla saddle

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